All our appointments are 100% free!
Choosing to study abroad is a big decision and it is important to be prepared. We have several free events to provide students and parents the opportunity to meet some of our WEP staff, hear all about student exchange programs and ask us any questions!
We offer different types of appointments to suit your needs. It's easy to book, simply select the date, time and type of appointment that suits you!
22/02 Join us for our open day in Melbourne from 1pm to 4pm

1 on 1 meeting
This is a great opportunity to discuss your program directly with a member of the WEP Team, 1 on 1. We can help you choose the best fitting program for your needs and answer any questions that are specific to you. Feel free to bring family members or friends to the meeting!

WEPTalks (webinars)
Join us online as we present information about WEP and our student exchange programs, including the best time to go, which countries offer which program, information about host families, schools, and all other things student exchange!
► 19/02 - WEPTalk
► 6/03 - WEPTalk

WEPBuddy Q&A (Zoom)
Meet some of our returned students and hear stories from their exchange! Ask them your questions about what it was like to be an exchange student. Make the most of this opportunity, as these students have lived the exchange experience!
► 27/02 WEPBuddy Q&A