"Every year, a former WEP participant pays a visit to my students to elaborate on his/her experience abroad and to answer the many questions that my students bring to the table. The testimonies by WEP participants are always spoken in a target language, usually Dutch, which not only offers my students a different type of listening comprehension exercise, but it also proves that participants return home with a certain degree of mastery of their target language. There is nothing more motivating!"
Dutch teacher
Even teachers enjoy talking about their WEP experience.
To see what they have to say, click here
For over 25 years, WEP has been on your side, facilitating youth education. We, like you, have the constant desire to open to the world to young people and to help them build the future they so desire.
Countless schools and teachers have supported our programs, concurring with our mission year after year. In turn, here is a token of thanks for your encouragement: a space dedicated entirely to you.
On this page, you'll have, among other things, the opportunity to:
As a teacher, you naturally have your own ideas, opinions and points of view regarding the different aspects of international mobility for young people, and in general, what is at stake. We are attentive and eager to hear your point of view.
Thank you in advance for sending us comments and ideas so that we may improve this space and adapt it to your needs.
The WEP team
WEP builds partnerships with schools around the world. While working closely with these schools on an individual basis, WEP makes additional advantages and custom promotions available to directly meet their needs and expectations.
A selection of our partner schools:
If you wish to become one of our partner schools or for more information, contact us!