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WEP strives for an inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to reach his or her potential. We believe in the power of inspired young people, and as such, we want to provide a tangible expression of their rights and their voices. The safety and protection of children and young people is paramount.
WEP and all WEP Associates have a legal and moral responsibility to:
We recognise that child safe organisations and child safe communities do not just happen. They require conscious actions to protect children from harm and extended guardianship to all children and young people. We acknowledge that safety extends further than WEP sites, programs and services and strive to develop communities that are safe for all children and young people. We understand our role in contributing to a child safe community.
We respect and support the diverse needs of all children, young people and their families including those who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, are from culturally and or/linguistically diverse backgrounds, have a disability or identify as LGBTQIA.
The WEP Child Policy has been adopted within the WEP framework including the WEP Constitution, the WEP Code of Conduct and the WEP Program Rules. The policy underpins policies and procedures of all WEP Associates in working with children involved in WEP Programs.